Monday, February 15, 2010

Purim Quandary

I am in a real quandary as to what to do this Purim regarding drinking.

On one hand I think back to my years in Yeshiva and can picture Rebbiem singing and sharing ever flowing divrie Torah and love for Talmidim. It is truly a remarkable Kiddush Hashem every time I think of it and can appreciate this beautiful expression of simcha in which alcohol played a critical role. Don’t I want to expose my children and Talmidim to this and follow the Mesorah that I have seen in my Rebbiem? A major theme of Purim is to take this physical aspect of the miracle and be makdish it with our actions.

On the other hand.

Drinking seems to be an issue plaguing our youth. We are all aware of horror stories that involve teenage bachurim abusing alcohol. In previous years, and even recently, Gedolie Yisrael have stating that getting drink is not in the ruach Hatorah if not an Aveyra. Can a responsible community leader dismiss these words? What message will I be giving about our Gedolim if I were to be visibly drunk for my children and Talmidim? The very same Gadolim whose pictures hang on our wall and whose words I continually quote after every Torah Umesorah convention. Also do I want to play even the smallest role in encouraging teenage drinking?